About Us
We are a ministry that serves Catholics in the Diocese of San Bernardino who seek faith and spiritual support, accompaniment, and Catholic resources concerning LGBTQ+ issues. We promote respect, compassion, sensitivity, and inclusivity and emphasize the inherent dignity of all persons. We strive to provide a safe space for dialogue and welcome all who would like to learn more or simply have questions about this ministry that celebrates more than twenty-five years of service.

Somos un ministerio que sirve a los católicos de la Diócesis de San Bernardino que buscan apoyo en la fe y espiritualidad, acompañamiento y recursos católicos relacionados con temas LGBTQ+. Promovemos el respeto, la compasión, la sensibilidad y la inclusión y enfatizamos la dignidad inherente de todas las personas. Nos esforzamos por brindar un espacio seguro para el diálogo y le damos la bienvenida a todos aquellos que quieran aprender más o simplemente tengan preguntas sobre este ministerio que celebra más de veinticinco años de servicio.
Our Story
Meet The Team
Bishop Barnes
a commission that aims to support church members who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT).
It provides support for family members and for LGBT people.
The committee is to “help us understand how to be more inclusive, how to reach out,”
“It isn’t meant for carrying any kind of agenda. Other than,
we are family. We are one.”